Extending hope together
In my last blog, I talked about our hopes for the ministry and for the people we seek to help. But sometimes hope looks much different from what we might imagine.
We introduce hope is by coming alongside young women on university campuses – where the abortion rate is inconceivable – and letting them know I understand the tremendous sacrifices their parents have made so their daughters can receive an education. In some instances, their parents have sold everything they own. They now live in a hut to make their child’s education possible … so their daughters seek an abortion rather than disappointing them and burdening them with another mouth to feed.
We give hope by looking into the eyes of that college student who worked hard to get an “A” but is threatened with an “F” if she doesn’t sell herself – and now finds she’s pregnant by her professor. An abortion is the only option that makes sense to her.
The vice chancellor’s wife at a Christian school in Kenya told me about a horrifying dilemma the university is dealing with. The staff is constantly finding fetuses and even fully formed babies dumped in restrooms and other areas around the campus.
These are just a few real examples that are realities for hundreds of young women today who need to hear, feel and experience hope for themselves and their unborn babies. And this is where a Girls’ Home becomes a haven and a beacon of hope for these college students.
I know that God does not expect me to go at this alone. Will you join me in extending hope in the life of that one woman who believes she’ll never escape the clutches of poverty? Please join me in extending hope to that one mother-to-be who believes she will never have the opportunity to provide for herself – and abortion is the answer.
We are stronger together, and we can make a difference – one woman at a time – giving a fighting chance to her unborn baby.